
Welcome to Synergy Photography. I, Melissa, just recently founded Synergy this past year. I am eager to work with my clients and get to know them, but this is my opportunity to tell you about me!

I am a small town girl, who has a love and passion for animals. I have followed this dream and I do work full time as a veterinary technician. I have been photographing my family for the past two years and found a new love in photography. An opportunity to be the photographer at a wedding is the true inspiration for how Synergy Photography has come to be.

I am married to Chris, the love of my life. So when it comes to wedding photos I know how picky I am and how picky I expect my brides to be. I want to offer the best experiance and have cherishable pictures in the end.

I am not a mother, but I am a ROCK-STAR aunt! I have 3 "children" Kendra, Leroy, and Carina. They are truly wonderful kids, and that is the majority of the photos I have published now.

I do have two furry children, Piney (cat) and Meadow (dog). Piney came to us a few years ago and is a photogenic little man. Always helping me try new things with the camera and photoshop products. Meadow is a new addtion this year, she's a little more camera shy.

My e-mail and facebook are hooked up to my phone and alerts me to any new messages so I am able to respond promptly.

Please be patient with Synergy's website - as it is still in progress.  Anything else you would like to know just e-mail me.